Donald Neff

Donald Neff is an American journalist. He spent 16 years in service for Time Magazine, and is a former Time Magazine Bureau Chief in Israel. He also worked for the Washington Star.

Last name changed from "Schnepf". According to email sent to John Neff Mon 4/25/2011 2:50 PM from David Neff: "I am not really a Neff/Naf. My great-grandfather was born a Schnepf in Lancaster County, PA, and at some point changed his name to Neff, a common enough name there".



Presently he writes mainly for the London-based Middle East International and the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, and is the author of several books.

He works for the pro-Palestine organization If Americans Knew.


In 1980 he received the O.P.C.'s Mary Hemingway Award for best magazine reporting from abroad.[1]

Published work
